5 Top Free Fire character combinations with Skyler for aggressive players  

In Garena free fire, in-game characters are the most crucial part of the party in the battleground. You will get to play game modes of free fire in which aggressive gameplay is the one. Many free fire players prefer Skyler to play with as this character has the most amazing and also unique ability which is Riptide Rhythm.   

Free Fire Character

At the low level of battle, this character will produce a sonic wave by his ability that can easily damage 5 gloo walls within a 50-meter radius. When you are using this Free Fire character, you will get a cooldown of 60 seconds. On destroying the gloo walls, each gloo wall will give you 4 Health points. You can easily recover the HP by destroying the gloo walls when you are having this.   

Free Fire Character Combination with Skyler  

1- Skyler with Maro+Laura+Rafael  

Maro- Maro has the amazing ability which is Falcon Fervor. When you are having this, the damage will increase by 5 percent on the increasing distance.   

Laura- the ability Laura is sharpshooter in Free Fire. Through this ability, you will be able to increase the accuracy by 10 percent.  

Rafael- The ability of this character is Dead Silent. when Free Fire players are using the snipers, this ability will give them the silencing effect that will allow them to aim headshot before letting their foes know.   

2- Skyler with Kelly+Shirou+Wolfrahh  

Kelly- the ability of Kelly is Dash. This ability will increase the sprinting speed by 1 percent.  

Shirou- the ability of this character is known as Damage Delivered. Free fire players will be able to increase the Armor penetration by 50 percent. This ability will give them a cooldown of 25 seconds.  

Wolfrahh- limelight is the ability of this free fire character. You will be able to reduce the damages of headshots by 3 percent, up to 25 percent.    

3- Skyler with Hayato+Dasha+Otho  

Hayato- Bushido is the ability of this Free fire character. Through this ability, the Garena free fire player will be able to increase the Armor penetration by 7.5 percent.   

Dasha- Partying on is the ability of this character in Garena free fire. This ability will be able to reduce fall damage by 30 percent. The recoil will increase and the maximum recoil will reduce by 6 percent.   

Otho- the ability of Otho is known as Memory Mist. you can reveal all the foes in 25 meters when you take down all the enemies.   

4- Skyler with D-bee+Leon+Luqueta  

D-bee- The ability of D-bee is bullet beats. When you are using this ability then you will be able to increase the movement speed of accuracy by 5 percent and 20 percent.   

Leon- Buzzer Beater is the ability of this character in free fire. If you are a free fire player and surviving in the combat then you will be able to gain the 5 health points.   

Luqueta- Hat Trick is the ability of this character in free fire. By using this ability, you will be able to increase your maximum health by 10 percent from 50 percent.  

5- Skyler with Jota+Jai+Moco  

Jota- Sustained rate is the ability of Jota in the free fire. This character is one of the amazing free fire characters. When you hit the opponent by using the gun then this character will restore the Health Points by 10 percent on each hit.  

Jai- the ability of Jai in free fire is called Raging Reload. You will be able to reload the magazine by 30 percent.  

Moco- Hacker’s eye is the ability of Moco in free fire. You will be able to tag the enemy for two seconds after hitting them.