Garena Free Fire Tips and Tricks that will make you a pro in the game  

Getting the information related to new free fire tips and tricks has been the main thing for the player to be the pro player. There is a big competition running in the free fire battleground along with so many pro players. Competing with well-known free fire pro players is not the cup of tea for everyone. To be the last standing player in the match, players need some good strategies and skills. Skills and strategies are the important part to compete with foes on the battlefield of Garena Free Fire.   

Free Fire Tips and Tricks

Garena free fire got more than 500 million downloads alone on the Google Play Store. After the PUBG battle royale title, Free Fire is the only game that is on the top of the list of best games for Indian players. During the time of Quarantine, Garena free fire game got the place in the popular trends on many servers. Get some Free Fire tips and tricks that will give you the path to be the pro player in Garena free fire.   

Tips and Tricks to be Pro Player  

1- Avoid looting in the Open Areas  

There are so many free fire players who prefer to loot in the open areas mostly because it is a little easy than looting inside the building. You need to remember that, the building is a place for players to hide. There are many chances to get killed while looting at the open areas by the opponents. Open areas allow players to target the enemies easily. When you landed on the land, try to get into Building so that you can survive for a long time. There are many buildings on the island that have many weapons inside for the loot.   

2- Claw Control  

There are several videos available on Facebook and also on YouTube that are recommending free fire players to shift their claw control. While playing the Free Fire game, it will be a better option to use the thumb layout. Through these claw controls, free fire players will be able to adapt easily in any situation.  

3- Best Aim Precision  

If you got a weak aim then you can use the aim precision while playing the game. You can use aim precision with the scope or without the scope both recommended. This feature allows the player’s headshot to move automatically towards the target.   

4- Sensitivity Settings  

If you are facing a lag issue while playing the game then you can go with the sensitivity settings. Sensitivity settings will allow free fire players to get a smooth gameplay experience. You will not be going to face any sort of issue when you have a good sensitivity setting.  

Use these settings for better gaming experience  

Red Dot: 30  

2x Scope: 52  

4x Scope: 66  

AWM Scope: 82  

General: 100  

5- Avoid unnecessary Jump-Shoot  

So many free fire players go with the overuse of jump-shoot when it is not necessary sometimes. If you want to be on the top then you need to use the well-calculated jump-shoot during the match.