Top 5 Free Fire characters for upcoming Clash Squad season  

In Garena Free Fire, Clash Squad is one of the most famous and most played game modes available for Free Fire players. There is no condition to join in Clash Squad. If you are willing then you can easily play along with the fellow Free Fire players. In this mode, you will get to see four people in two groups for a head-to-head battle in seven rounds.   

Clash Squad

When it comes to choosing the character in free fire then it is difficult for many players and beginners because characters significantly impact the overall game progression.  

Why Free fire characters are important? Are you a beginner and have this query in your mind? Let me tell you that, characters have super amazing abilities by which a player can fight amazingly with foes.   

Best Characters for Clash Squad Season  

1- Dimitri  

The ability of Dimitri character in free fire is called Healing Heartbeat. The healing heartbeat of Dimitri character will create a healing zone that is 3.5m-diameter wide. When you are inside the battleground along with your team then this ability will restore 3 HP per second. You will get the cooldown for 85 seconds with a duration of 10 seconds.   

2- Wukong  

The ability of Wukong is called Camouflage. This ability will be the perfect option to play in the clash squad matches. When you will use the ability of Wukong then this ability will turn you into a bush with 20 percent of slower movement speed for 10 seconds. This transformation will end when you or your teammate will engage with foes. When the transformation will end the cooldown of 300 seconds will get applied.    

3- Xayne  

Xtreme Encounter is the ability of Xayne character. This is also the better option to choose for the clash squad matches of free fire. If you are going for an aggressive battle then you can blindly trust the ability of Xayne. When you have done the Xtreme Encounter then you will be able to get the 80 Health Points. it will increase the damages against Sheilds or Gloo walls by 80 percent. On using this ability, you will get a cooldown time of 180 seconds.   

4- Alok  

Almost every free fire player knows about this amazing Garena free fire character. Drop the Beat is the ability of Alok character. You will be able to create the 5-meter aura by using the ability of Alok and also it increases the speed of movement by ten percent. The player will be able to restore the Health Point of 5 per second. This character has a 45 percent of cooldown. Anytime during the match, the players will be able to get the healing by this character whenever they need.   

5- K  

Master of all is the ability of this character. The ability of this character will increase the maximum EP points by 50. The players will be able to carry 250 EP in the battleground. You will be able to boost the conversion rate of EP by 500 percent.